Exploring Nordmarka June 2021
Exploring Nordmarka, first round trip over Kikutstua, Sandungen, Katnosa and Gjerdingen with a couple of detours to get some trail training, now that the snow has mostly melted in the hills it was time to see me around again, always exciting with the "first" trip after the winter season to explore how the roads are, some snow in some places yet, and some trees that have not tolerated the weight of the snow in winters that lie over paths and roads around yet, was a nice trip😎😊 with lunch break at lake Katnosa, was surprised to see a voluminous construction work at Lake Gjerdingen, read that they were going to lay new water pipes for fresh water supply, so stay tuned and see what it will look like here next year when they are finished, end the trip with a dip in Langvann, it was unbelievably good to be rinsed and cooled off after 95 km on a dusty forest road, and then it was just over 10 km mostly downhill to home and cold beer😁
Nice sunny and warm weather, feeling that the summer is coming now
Nice sunny and warm weather, feeling that the summer is coming now
